
Increasing the speed of electric vehicles since 2008

Ching Challenge

100 mile endurance ride over Exmoor

Wednesday 9th September 2009

Location and Route

Location and Base

The Ching Challenge 2009 will be based at the Crown Hotel in Exford. Tel 01643 831554

Exford is a good location on Exmoor itself, with roads leading off in all directions. The 2008 ToB passed through the village and the 2009 route passes just outside it.

We have the use of a relatively secluded area for parking, charging, etc. There is somewhere to lock away bikes overnight for those people staying over.

A dinner is planned for the night before, Tuesday 8th, which will be in our own dining room. If there is enough interest we can plan something for the Wednesday night.

Please book directly with the hotel. Mention the Ching Challenge to get a special rate. The basic price for one person for dinner, bed and breakfast is £84, but there are combinations of single, twin, double and king size rooms available.

As well as booking with the hotel, please send an email to the link below so I've got you on my records. Obviously people can participate without staying at the Crown, but you'd have to make your own arrangements to be there for the 10 am start on Wednesday. Note that's 10 am departure, so it means being there for briefing, etc from 9 am.

Unfortunately, this is not near a railway station. I couldn't work out a way of doing that without effectively locating ourselves off Exmoor and having to cycle on tedious routes back and forth. But this way we get a really good base for operations and some interesting routes. The most convenient station is probably Tiverton Parkway and we can organise a ferry service back and forth.


There will be two loops of 50 miles, starting and finishing at the Crown Hotel. This means that the mid point lunch stop will be there as well, and there will be re-charging facilities. There will also be shorter routes of about 25 miles each for people wanting a gentler ride. This arrangement means that we can keep all the administration and facilities in one place, and there isn't a problem of shipping people, bikes, chargers, etc between the start and finish.

The routes are still being finalised, but I can reveal some things. People will remember some of the dramatic parts of last year's ride and they will be included. I checked out the 2009 ToB route, and there are parts of it that will definitely be in.

There is also a section from previous year's races that will be covered in the afternoon. Its a dramatic route over one of the moors and its almost the perfect e-bike ride.

Event Details

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Location & Route

Supported by

eZee Bikes     Wisper Bikes     A to B magazine     Re-Voltage

To register interest and receive further details, send an email to